Welcome to the REST multimedia e-learning package. This package has been created to help clinicians understand the effects of insomnia and to address these to help manage insomnia and sleep problems better including videos of GPs consulting for sleep problems.Â
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What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is common and affects up to a third of adults in the United Kingdom in any one year.
Insomnia or insomnia disorder is dissatisfaction with the quantity or quality of sleep expressed by the patient (or by a caregiver or family in the case of children or elderly).
Insomnia may be primary (so called psychophysiological) or comorbidly associated with medical, psychiatric or other disorders.
The definition of insomnia is currently being updated in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) version 5
The objectives of this e-learning package are:
→ To improve general practice and primary care management of insomnia
→ To provide evidence on effective, safe and patient centred assessment and non-pharmacological treatment of insomnia
→ To introduce sleep assessment and psychosocial management techniques and hypnotic withdrawal programmes
→ To explain how to incorporate these techniques into routine general practice consultations
The Resources Effective Sleep Treatment (REST) project was funded by Health Foundation under their engaging with quality in primary care scheme to improve management of insomnia. The evidence and learning from this quality improvement project has been developed into this e-learning package for clinical working in primary care.